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Drunk Jenga: Building and Tumbling Under the Influence

Drunk Jenga Strategy
Last Updated on December 24, 2024 by Ryan Conlon | 🕒 5 min Read Time

Welcome to the world of Drunk Jenga, where building and tumbling take on a whole new level of excitement and chaos. This twist on the classic Jenga game combines the thrill of keeping a steady hand with the fun of drinking prompts and mini-games. Whether you’re a Jenga enthusiast or a party game aficionado, Drunk Jenga is sure to keep you entertained.

In Drunk Jenga, the objective remains the same as regular Jenga – don’t let the tower collapse. But here’s the twist – each Jenga block is filled with a rule or action that players must follow after successfully pulling it. From taking a sip of your drink to performing a hilarious task, these custom rules add an element of surprise and liven up the gameplay.

Before diving into the world of Drunk Jenga, it’s important to remember to drink responsibly and stay hydrated. While the game can be played with alcoholic or non-alcoholic beverages, it’s crucial to ensure everyone’s safety and well-being. Now, let’s dive into the strategies, rules, and variations of Drunk Jenga that will take your game nights to a whole new level of fun!

Key Takeaways:

  • Drunk Jenga adds drinking prompts and gameplay instructions to the classic Jenga game.
  • The objective is to keep the tower from toppling by carefully pulling blocks.
  • Customize each block with rules or actions to add excitement and unpredictability.
  • Drink responsibly and stay hydrated while playing Drunk Jenga.
  • Explore different strategies, rules, and variations to make the game even more enjoyable.

Setup and Materials for Drunk Jenga

To set up Drunk Jenga, you will need a few key materials. First and foremost, you’ll need a standard Jenga block game. This consists of 54 wooden blocks that are stacked into a tower formation. Each block is three times as long as it is wide, creating a sturdy structure.

Next, you’ll need a set of Sharpies or other permanent markers. These will be used to write rules and actions on each of the Jenga blocks. The customization process allows players to create a unique set of rules for their Drunk Jenga game.

Finally, you’ll need alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages to add a drinking element to the game. The choice of alcohol is up to you and your friends, but it’s important to remember to drink responsibly and stay hydrated throughout the game.

Before starting the game, take the time to write rules on each Jenga block. Use the Sharpies to write a different rule on each block. These rules can vary from taking a drink, doing a challenge, or even skipping a turn. Get creative and make the rules as fun or challenging as you’d like!

Once all the blocks are prepared, it’s time to set up the tower. Stack the blocks in alternating directions, three blocks per layer, until you have a sturdy tower. Make sure to place the tower on a stable surface to prevent any accidental collapses.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up Drunk Jenga:

  1. Gather a standard Jenga block game, Sharpies, and alcohol or non-alcoholic beverages.
  2. Write different rules on each Jenga block using the Sharpies.
  3. Stack the blocks in alternating directions to form a tower.
  4. Ensure the tower is stable and secure on a flat surface.

Once everything is set up, you’re ready to play Drunk Jenga and enjoy a night of laughs, challenges, and good times.

Objective of Drunk Jenga

When playing Drunk Jenga, the objective is simple yet challenging – pull a block from the tower without causing it to collapse. Each player takes turns carefully removing a block, one at a time, and must follow the rule or action written on that block. The ultimate goal is to keep the tower standing throughout the game while successfully completing the assigned tasks.

If, unfortunately, a player’s move leads to the tower’s downfall, they will face the consequence of finishing their entire drink. Consequently, the game continues until the tower inevitably tumbles. The player responsible for causing the collapse is crowned the loser, while those who successfully navigated their turns unscathed are celebrated as winners.

How to Win Drunk Jenga

Winning Drunk Jenga requires both skill and a steady hand. To increase your chances of emerging victorious, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Stay focused and concentrate on each move. Pay attention to the rules or actions written on the blocks before pulling them. Following the instructions and completing the tasks successfully is crucial to staying in the game.

  • Take your time and approach each turn with care. As the game progresses and drinks are consumed, the tower becomes more unstable. By pulling blocks slowly and deliberately, you reduce the risk of unintentionally causing a collapse.

  • Collaborate with other players. Share strategies and insights during the game to increase your chances of success. Communicate with your fellow players to make informed decisions about which blocks to pull, avoiding risky moves that could lead to disaster.

  • Drink responsibly and stay hydrated. While the aim is to have fun and enjoy the game, it’s important to prioritize your well-being. Pace yourself and ensure you stay hydrated by drinking water between alcoholic beverages.

Remember, winning Drunk Jenga isn’t just about pulling off impressive moves; it’s also about having a great time with friends and creating unforgettable memories.

Gameplay Rules for Drunk Jenga

When it comes to gameplay, Drunk Jenga follows the same rules as the classic version. The objective remains the same – players take turns pulling a block from the tower using one hand and carefully placing it on top without causing the tower to collapse. However, in Drunk Jenga, each block has a unique rule or action written on it that players must follow after successfully pulling the block.

The turns in Drunk Jenga go in a counter-clockwise direction, ensuring that everyone gets a fair chance. It’s important to note that players must follow the designated rules or actions without peeking at the blocks before pulling. This adds an element of anticipation and surprise to the game, making each turn more exciting.

Here are some examples of rules or actions that can be written on the blocks:

  1. Take a sip of your drink.
  2. Give two drinks to another player.
  3. Do an impression of a famous celebrity.
  4. Take a shot.
  5. Skip your turn (without drinking).
  6. Ask a random player a personal question.

The game continues until the tower inevitably falls. At that point, the player who caused the collapse must finish their entire drink as a penalty. Remember to play responsibly and ensure everyone is having a great time.

Drunk Jenga Gameplay

Now that you’re familiar with the gameplay rules for Drunk Jenga, let’s move on to the endgame and how to restart the game.

Drunk Jenga Block Rules Examples
Take a sip of your drink Sip of beer
Give drinks to another player Player 1 gives 2 drinks to Player 2
Perform a dare or challenge Player sings a song
Take a shot Player takes a shot of vodka

Endgame and Restarting Drunk Jenga

After a thrilling round of Drunk Jenga, the moment everyone dreads eventually arrives – the tower falls. But what happens next? Let’s explore the endgame scenario and the options for restarting the game.

When the tower falls in Drunk Jenga, the player who was unfortunate enough to pull the block that caused the collapse must face a consequence – finishing their entire drink. It adds a little extra fun and challenge to the game, ensuring players remain engaged until the very end.

Once the tower has fallen and the laughter subsides, you might be wondering if you should start a new game or call it a night. The decision rests with the group, and there’s no right or wrong answer. However, it’s important to consider a few factors before making a choice.

  1. Time and Energy: If it’s getting late or players are feeling tired, it might be a good idea to take a break and call it a night. Restarting Drunk Jenga requires time and energy, so make sure everyone is up for another round.
  2. Hydration and Safety: Playing any drinking game involves alcohol consumption, so it’s crucial to prioritize safety and hydration. Take a moment to ensure everyone has had enough water and is feeling okay before starting a new game.
  3. Group Consensus: Ultimately, the decision to restart Drunk Jenga should be based on the group’s consensus. Some players might be eager for a rematch, while others might be satisfied with the game coming to an end. Consider everyone’s preferences and make a collective decision.

If the group decides to restart Drunk Jenga, gather the fallen blocks, reconstruct the tower, and begin the game afresh. Remember to take breaks, hydrate, and drink responsibly throughout the night to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience.

Drunk Jenga Strategy Tips

When it comes to Drunk Jenga, having a solid strategy can make all the difference between victory and defeat. As the game progresses and drinks are consumed, it becomes increasingly challenging to maintain a steady hand and prevent the tower from toppling. Here are some tips to help you improve your chances of winning:

  1. Stay mindful of your alcohol intake: While Drunk Jenga is a drinking game, it’s essential to pace yourself and avoid getting too intoxicated. The more alcohol you consume, the more difficult it becomes to maintain your motor skills and concentration.
  2. Take each turn slowly: Rushing your moves can lead to unnecessary mistakes. Instead, take your time and carefully assess the stability of the tower before pulling a block. Remember, keeping the tower standing is the ultimate goal.
  3. Collaborate with other players: Engage in strategic discussions with your fellow players. By working together, you can analyze the tower’s weak spots and decide which blocks to remove that are less likely to cause a collapse. Teamwork can significantly improve your chances of success.

Remember, Drunk Jenga is meant to be a fun and social game. While winning is rewarding, the ultimate goal is to enjoy the experience with your friends. So, implement these tips, play responsibly, and may the tower always stand tall!

Drunk Jenga Strategy

Friendly Collaboration

“Working together and strategizing with your fellow players can greatly enhance your Drunk Jenga gameplay. By sharing insights and collaborating on moves, you’ll have a stronger chance of toppling your opponents and emerging victorious.”

– Jane Smith, Drunk Jenga Enthusiast

Popular Drunk Jenga Rules

While Drunk Jenga is a game that allows players to customize their own rules, there are popular rule ideas that can add excitement and unpredictability to the game. Here are some popular rules commonly incorporated into Drunk Jenga:

  1. Perform a Dance: When a player pulls a block with this rule, they must get up and perform a favorite dance move or create a spontaneous dance routine.
  2. Take a Shot: This rule requires the player to take a shot of their favorite drink when the corresponding block is pulled. It adds an extra level of intensity to the game.
  3. Answer a Trivia Question: Upon pulling a block with this rule, the player must answer a random trivia question. Incorrect answers can result in taking a drink or performing a challenge.
  4. Do a Dare: This rule challenges the player to complete a dare of their choice or as determined by the group. Dares can range from silly to daring, adding a fun element to the game.

“Drunk Jenga is a game where players can let their creativity soar and come up with unique and exciting rules. The above popular rules are just a starting point, and players are encouraged to get creative and tailor the game to suit their preferences and the party’s vibe.”

Having a set of popular rules allows players to dive right into the game and enjoy the unique experiences Drunk Jenga offers. The possibilities are endless, and players can experiment with different rules to create a personalized and memorable gaming experience.

Popular Drunk Jenga Rules
Perform a Dance
Take a Shot
Answer a Trivia Question
Do a Dare

Fun Variations of Drunk Jenga

One of the greatest advantages of Drunk Jenga is its versatility and adaptability, allowing players to create their own unique variations and modifications to the game. These variations add an extra layer of excitement and challenges to the already thrilling experience. Here are some popular variations that you can explore:

1. Shared Cup:

This variation introduces a shared cup placed in the center of the table. Whenever a player pulls a block successfully, they pour a small amount of their drink into the shared cup. The player who topples the tower must drink the contents of the shared cup as a penalty. This variation adds an element of surprise and suspense, as the shared cup can become a mixture of different beverages throughout the game.

2. King’s Cup:

For those who enjoy the classic King’s Cup drinking game, incorporating its rules into Drunk Jenga can be a fun twist. Assign different King’s Cup rules to specific blocks. When a player pulls a block with a King’s Cup rule, they must perform the corresponding action. This variation combines two popular drinking games and guarantees a good time.

3. Themed Rules:

Add a touch of creativity by incorporating specific themes into the rules of Drunk Jenga. You can create themed sets of rules based on special occasions, holidays, or personal preferences. For example, during a costume party, the rules could involve players having to do a mini-fashion show or impersonate their favorite characters. This variation allows for personalization and customization, making each game unique and memorable.

These are just a few examples of the countless variations you can explore with Drunk Jenga. Let your imagination run wild and come up with your own exciting twists that cater to the preferences and interests of the players involved. Remember, the key is to have fun and create an experience that everyone will enjoy!


Drunk Jenga is a wildly popular social drinking game that takes the classic Jenga gameplay to a whole new level of excitement. By adding custom rules and actions to each block, players are faced with the challenge of keeping the tower standing while navigating the hilarious and unpredictable prompts. The objective of Drunk Jenga is simple – don’t be the one to make the tower tumble.

What sets Drunk Jenga apart is the strategic thinking it requires. Players must carefully choose which block to pull, considering the potential consequences of the rule written on it. Mastering the art of balance, coordination, and decision-making is crucial to achieving victory in this uproarious game.

But it’s not just about strategy; Drunk Jenga is also about having fun and creating lasting memories with friends. As players follow the rules, perform silly actions, and inevitably share many laughs together, bonds are strengthened and camaraderie is forged. However, it’s essential to remember to drink responsibly, stay hydrated, and look out for one another throughout the game.

Drunk Jenga: Building and Tumbling Under the Influence