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Dead of Winter: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse

Dead of Winter Zombie Survival
Last Updated on June 26, 2024 by Ryan Conlon | 🕒 5 min Read Time

Welcome to the post-apocalyptic world of Dead of Winter, a thrilling zombie survival game that will test your strategic thinking and cooperative skills. Designed by Jon Gilmour and Isaac Vega, this tabletop game published by Plaid Hat Games offers an immersive experience set in a world overrun by the undead. Players work together as faction leaders to ensure the survival of their colony against hordes of zombies and dwindling supplies. With its blend of resource management, strategy, and survival horror elements, Dead of Winter provides hours of thrilling gameplay for fans of cooperative board games and survival horror enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dead of Winter is a cooperative board game that challenges players to survive in a post-apocalyptic world infested with zombies.
  • Players take on the roles of faction leaders and must work together to ensure the survival of their colony.
  • The game offers resource management, strategy, and survival horror elements.
  • Each player has individual secret win conditions, adding an element of strategy and bluffing to the gameplay.
  • Dead of Winter can be played by 2 to 5 players and has an average playing time of 60 to 120 minutes.

Gameplay and Mechanics

Dead of Winter offers an immersive gameplay experience with a range of mechanics that emphasize resource management, strategic decision-making, and dynamic crisis resolution.

Throughout the game, players use dice to execute actions with their survivors, each possessing unique abilities and specialties. These actions include scavenging for supplies, combating zombies and rival survivors, and fortifying the colony against threats.

Players can also perform actions such as moving survivors, playing event cards, and contributing cards to the crisis at hand. The use of dice creates an element of chance that adds suspense and unpredictability to the game.

The game features a variety of scenarios with different starting conditions, objectives, and lengths, providing an ever-evolving challenge for players. The team victory conditions differ for each scenario, creating individual win conditions that require players to balance their own goals with the needs of the colony.

After each player completes their actions, environmental difficulties like food consumption and zombie attraction are resolved, adding an additional layer of strategic decision-making.

Dead of Winter also offers expansion sets such as Dead of Winter: The Long Night and Warring Colonies, which introduce new elements and scenarios, further enhancing the gameplay experience.

Gameplay Elements Description
Resource Management Players must carefully allocate resources to meet the needs of the colony and their own objectives.
Dice Rolling The use of dice adds an element of chance and unpredictability to the game.
Crisis Resolution Players must work together to overcome various crises that threaten the colony, utilizing their resources and expertise.
Survivor Abilities Each survivor possesses unique abilities and specialties that influence gameplay and strategies.
Individual Win Conditions Players have secret win conditions they need to fulfill to achieve individual victory, requiring them to balance personal goals with the survival of the colony.

Release and Expansions

In 2014, the first edition of Dead of Winter was published by Plaid Hat Games, capturing the attention of board game enthusiasts. Since its initial release, the game has garnered a dedicated fan base and has seen the launch of several expansions.

One of the expansions is Dead of Winter: Kodiak Colby, a promotional expansion that introduced a new character and a crossroads card. This expansion added even more depth to the gameplay and provided players with new experiences.

“The Dead of Winter: Kodiak Colby expansion breathes new life into the already enthralling gameplay, offering players a chance to explore fresh strategies and face new challenges.” – Board Games Monthly

Another noteworthy expansion is Dead of Winter: The Long Night. This standalone expansion expanded upon the original game by introducing new survivors, locations, crises, objectives, and items to the game. The Long Night not only offers additional content but also presents players with unique scenarios and opportunities for survival.

Additionally, the expansion called Warring Colonies was released for Dead of Winter, providing players with new survivors, crossroad cards, and items. This expansion focuses on the conflicts between two colonies and adds an exciting element to the gameplay, challenging players to navigate complex alliances and rivalries.

In addition to physical expansions, Plaid Hat Games also released the Crossroads Cards App for Android and iOS devices. This app enhances the gaming experience by providing professionally narrated cards and sound effects, immersing players even further into the post-apocalyptic world of Dead of Winter.

The Expansions at a Glance

Expansion Features
Dead of Winter: Kodiak Colby New character and crossroads card
Dead of Winter: The Long Night New survivors, locations, crises, objectives, and items
Warring Colonies New survivors, crossroad cards, and items
Crossroads Cards App Professionally narrated cards and sound effects

With these expansions, Dead of Winter offers players an ever-evolving and engaging gaming experience, ensuring countless hours of post-apocalyptic survival fun.

Awards and Recognition

Dead of Winter, since its release, has received numerous awards and nominations, solidifying its status as a highly regarded tabletop game. The game’s innovative mechanics, thematic appeal, and engaging gameplay have garnered recognition from prestigious industry awards.

Here are some of the notable awards and nominations received by Dead of Winter:

  • Origins Award (2015) – Nominated for the Best Board Game category.
  • Golden Geek Award (2014) – Won the Most Innovative Board Game and Best Thematic Board Game categories.
  • Meeples’ Choice (2014) – Nominated for the Best Board Game category.
  • As d’Or – Jeu de l’Année (2015) – Nominated for the Best Board Game category.
  • SXSW Tabletop Game of the Year (2015) – Nominated for the Best Board Game category.
  • Tric Trac (2015) – Nominated for the prestigious Tric Trac award.

Reception and Reviews

Dead of Winter, the popular zombie survival board game, has garnered positive reviews from various sources within the gaming community.

In the third season of TableTop, the popular YouTube series hosted by Felicia Day, Dead of Winter was featured on the Geek & Sundry channel. The episode showcased the thrilling gameplay and strategic decision-making that the game offers. Additionally, Geek & Sundry created a humorous spoof of the game, starring Brandon Routh and other talented actors, further highlighting its appeal to a wide audience.

Board Games Land, a prominent online board game hub, included Dead of Winter in their prestigious list of the top 10 zombie board games ever made. This recognition is a testament to the game’s immersive post-apocalyptic setting and engaging gameplay.

We The Nerdy, an influential gaming publication, described Dead of Winter as “brilliantly stressful and yet so much fun to play.” This sentiment reflects the game’s ability to create a tense and thrilling experience for players, while still providing an enjoyable gameplay journey.

“Dead of Winter is a decision-heavy game with loads of strategic considerations. It challenges players to think critically and adapt their gameplay based on changing circumstances.” – E.E. Knight, Black Gate

In a review by E.E. Knight in Black Gate, Dead of Winter was lauded for its decision-heavy mechanics and the strategic depth it offers. The challenging nature of the game keeps players engaged as they must carefully assess the situation and make choices that directly impact their chances of survival and success.

This cooperative board game also received a positive review in Casus Belli, a well-respected French gaming magazine. The publication recognized the immersive gameplay and praised its ability to transport players into a post-apocalyptic world filled with danger and uncertainty.

These reviews from reputable sources highlight the enduring appeal and exceptional quality of Dead of Winter as a unique and engaging tabletop experience.

Dead of Winter reviews

The Experience of Dead of Winter

When it comes to the gameplay experience, Dead of Winter offers a truly unique and thrilling adventure that combines elements of cooperation and competition. This meta-cooperative psychological survival game takes players into a hostile post-apocalyptic world where strategic thinking and resource management are key to survival.

One of the standout features of Dead of Winter is its cooperative resource management gameplay. Players must work together to gather supplies, defend the colony against zombie attacks, and make tough decisions that will impact the group’s chances of survival. The game strikes a delicate balance between cooperation and self-interest, as players must juggle their own secret win conditions with the needs of the colony.

The gameplay of Dead of Winter is known for its cutthroat nature, keeping players on the edge of their seats throughout the game. The inclusion of a possible betrayer adds an extra layer of dynamics and paranoia, making every decision feel crucial. The game creates a high-stakes environment where trust is constantly tested, and players must navigate the delicate balance between cooperation and suspicion.

The immersive nature of Dead of Winter is enhanced by its storytelling elements. As players progress through the game, they encounter various challenges and crises that add depth and tension to the narrative. The game’s design invites players to engage with the story and make choices that impact not only their own fate but also the overall survival of the colony.

Overall, Dead of Winter delivers a truly engaging and immersive experience for players seeking a thrilling blend of cooperation and competition. With its meta-cooperative gameplay, psychological survival elements, cooperative resource management mechanics, and cutthroat gameplay, this board game is a must-try for strategy enthusiasts and fans of post-apocalyptic adventures.

Key Features Description
Meta-Cooperative Combines elements of cooperation and competition
Psychological Survival Players must navigate the challenging post-apocalyptic world
Cooperative Resource Management Working together to gather supplies and defend the colony
Cutthroat Gameplay The inclusion of a possible betrayer adds tension and paranoia

Mechanics and Objectives

In Dead of Winter, players engage with a variety of mechanics that enhance the gameplay experience. These mechanics include dice rolling, action selection, and card play. Each survivor in the game possesses unique abilities and stats that contribute to the overall strategy. These abilities, such as influence, attack, and search skills, allow players to perform different actions and contribute to the survival of the colony.

The game revolves around two primary objectives: the main objective and secret objectives. The main objective varies from game to game, adding an element of unpredictability and excitement. Players must collaborate and make strategic decisions to achieve the main objective while also ensuring their own survival. Additionally, each player is assigned a secret objective, known only to them. Completing both the main and secret objectives is crucial for winning the game.

This combination of objectives creates tension and requires careful decision-making. Players must weigh their personal goals against the needs of the colony, leading to dynamic and strategic gameplay. To complete their objectives, players have a range of possibilities at their disposal. These include scavenging for resources, engaging in combat with zombies or other players, and resolving crises that threaten the colony.

Main Objective Secret Objectives Completing Objectives
Varies from game to game Assigned to each player Requires completion of both
Collaboration and strategic decision-making Personal goals known only to the player Balance between personal and collective objectives
Scavenging, combat, and crisis resolution

Dead of Winter mechanics

Through these mechanics and objectives, Dead of Winter provides a captivating and immersive gaming experience. Players must navigate the challenges of a post-apocalyptic world, balancing their own goals with the survival of the colony. The game’s mechanics, character abilities, and objective-driven gameplay ensure that every session offers a unique and thrilling adventure.

The Challenges and Strategy

Dead of Winter presents players with a multitude of challenges that test their strategic thinking and decision-making skills. Managing limited resources, fending off relentless zombie threats, and navigating the complexities of survivor actions are just a few of the obstacles players must overcome to ensure the survival of their colony.

One of the primary challenges in Dead of Winter is managing resources. With limited supplies available, players must carefully allocate resources to meet the needs of the colony. Food, medicine, weapons, and other essential items must be collected and distributed strategically to sustain the survivors and fend off starvation or illness.

The presence of zombies adds an ever-present threat to the game. Players must defend against zombie attacks and prevent them from overrunning the colony. Zombie hordes can quickly deplete resources and pose a significant danger to the survival of the community. Balancing defensive measures with other essential actions becomes crucial to maintaining the delicate balance between survival and extinction.

Survivor actions play a vital role in the game and require thoughtful planning. Players can send survivors on missions to scavenge for supplies, attack zombies, or complete various objectives. Each survivor possesses unique abilities and skills that can be utilized strategically to maximize their effectiveness in different scenarios. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each survivor and leveraging their abilities is key to optimizing their contributions to the colony’s survival.

Decision-making is at the core of Dead of Winter’s gameplay, and players must make tough choices that shape the outcome of the game. Balancing personal objectives with the needs of the colony, deciding when to risk engaging zombies, and determining the best course of action in crisis situations are just a few examples of the decisions players will face. Each choice has consequences that ripple throughout the gameplay, making each decision impactful and thought-provoking.

The game provides a wide range of strategic options, allowing players to adapt their approach based on the ever-changing situation and objectives. Whether it’s forming alliances, negotiating trades, or planning coordinated actions, strategic thinking and adaptability are vital to overcoming the challenges of Dead of Winter.

Dead of Winter Challenges and Strategy:

Challenges Strategy
Managing limited resources Strategic allocation and distribution
Fending off zombie threats Defensive measures and coordinated attacks
Survivor actions Utilizing unique abilities and skills strategically
Decision-making Balancing personal objectives with the needs of the colony
Adaptability Adjusting strategies based on changing circumstances

Note: The table above highlights the key challenges in Dead of Winter and suggests strategies to tackle them effectively.


Dead of Winter offers an immersive and engaging gameplay experience that transports players to a post-apocalyptic survival setting. Combining cooperative and competitive elements, the game challenges players to work together while also pursuing their own objectives. The strategic decision-making, resource management, and storytelling elements make Dead of Winter a compelling choice for fans of zombie survival games and cooperative board games.

With its unique mechanics and intense gameplay, Dead of Winter promises hours of entertainment and suspense. Players must carefully allocate resources, fend off zombie threats, and make tough decisions to ensure the survival of their colony. The immersive nature of the game and the cooperative and competitive elements create a dynamic and thrilling experience that captures the essence of post-apocalyptic survival.

Whether playing with a group of friends or diving into the game solo, Dead of Winter delivers an immersive and challenging tabletop experience. The blend of cooperative and competitive gameplay mechanics adds depth and complexity, encouraging players to strategize and adapt. If you’re looking for a game that combines immersive gameplay, post-apocalyptic survival, and cooperative and competitive elements, Dead of Winter is a must-try.

Dead of Winter: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse