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Gloomhaven Strategy: Tackling Fantasy Campaigns Together

Gloomhaven Tactics
Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Ryan Conlon | 🕒 6 min Read Time

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on Gloomhaven tactics and strategy! If you’re a fan of board games, tactical combat, and cooperative gameplay, you’re in for a treat. Gloomhaven is an immersive fantasy adventure that will test your skills and decision-making abilities. With its deep character progression, challenging monster AI, and engaging hand management mechanics, Gloomhaven offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience.

In this article, we’ll delve into the world of Gloomhaven and provide you with valuable insights and strategies to navigate the game’s diverse challenges. Whether you’re new to Gloomhaven or a seasoned player looking to enhance your gameplay, we’ve got you covered. From tackling different enemy races to mastering combat against powerful foes, we’ll equip you with the knowledge and tactics to conquer your next fantasy campaign.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand the importance of Gloomhaven’s tactical combat and cooperative gameplay.
  • Explore intricate character progression and hand management mechanics.
  • Learn effective strategies to tackle different enemy races and their unique abilities.
  • Discover tactics for overcoming challenges posed by enemy healers, ranged combatants, and fast adversaries.
  • Maintain game organization and familiarize yourself with Gloomhaven’s rule book and how-to-use videos.

The Inox Race: An Overview of Common Enemies

In the world of Gloomhaven, you’ll frequently encounter a primitive and barbaric group known as the Inox race. Understanding their strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and statistics is crucial for developing effective tactics and strategies to overcome these formidable enemies.

The Inox race consists of three basic types of enemies: Guards, Archers, and Shamans. Each type brings its unique set of challenges to the battlefield. Let’s take a closer look at each enemy:


The Guard is a melee-focused enemy that excels in protecting its allies. With moderate speed and high hit points, they pose a significant threat on the battlefield. These enemies have the ability to retaliate against attackers and can withstand considerable damage.

  • Abilities: Retaliate, Protect
  • Statistics: Moderate speed, high hit points


The Archer is a ranged enemy capable of inflicting damage from a distance. With decent hit points and the ability to inflict Wound, Archers provide a unique challenge for melee-focused parties. Their long-range attacks require different strategies to neutralize their threat.

  • Abilities: Ranged attacks, Wound
  • Statistics: Decent hit points


The Shaman is a healer type enemy that can support its allies and disrupt your party. With high hit points and the ability to heal fellow Inox, Shamans can prolong battles and make them even more challenging. It’s crucial to prioritize eliminating Shamans to prevent healing and the infliction of adverse conditions on your group.

  • Abilities: Healing, Adverse conditions
  • Statistics: High hit points

By studying the abilities and statistics of the Inox enemies, you can develop effective tactics and strategies to overcome the challenges they present. Now that we have an overview of the common Inox enemies, let’s delve deeper into specific tactics for facing Guards, Archers, and Shamans in the upcoming sections.

Tactics Against Inox Guards

Inox Guards are formidable melee enemies in Gloomhaven with moderate speed and high hit points. Engaging them in close combat can be risky, but with the right tactics, you can overcome their challenges. Here are some strategies to help you prevail against these fierce adversaries:

  1. Immobilize and Attack from Range: Inox Guards excel in close-quarter combat, so immobilizing them and attacking from range can give you the upper hand. Ranged abilities or character classes like the Cragheart or Spellweaver can deal damage from a safe distance.
  2. Exploit Their High Hit Points: Inox Guards boast high hit points, making them durable opponents. To expedite their defeat, consider using conditions like Poison or Wound to ramp up the damage over time, wearing them down.
  3. Timing Is Key: Since Inox Guards have the ability to retaliate against attackers, timing your attacks is crucial. Coordinate your team’s actions to maximize efficiency and minimize the risk of retaliation.
  4. Priority Targets: While the Guards may be intimidating, it’s important to assess the overall battlefield and prioritize other enemies accordingly. Taking down weaker adversaries first can help reduce the imminent threat.

By employing these tactics, you can outmaneuver and defeat Inox Guards, pushing forward in your quest through the challenging world of Gloomhaven.

Facing Inox Archers – Ranged Combat Strategies

When battling the formidable Inox Archers in Gloomhaven, your strategy needs to adapt to their ranged attacks and ability to inflict Wound. These enemies possess decent hit points, making them durable opponents. To overcome their ranged advantage, consider the following tactics:

1. Close the Distance Strategically

If your party consists mainly of melee builds, approaching Inox Archers may prove challenging due to their range attacks. However, getting close to them can provide a significant advantage. By eliminating their ability to attack from a distance, you restrict their options in combat. Use your movement abilities wisely to position yourself within striking range.

2. Utilize Immobilize Effects

Immobilizing Inox Archers is an effective way to neutralize their threat. By immobilizing them, you restrict their movement and prevent them from kiting your melee characters. Characters like The Angry Face, with their immobilize abilities, can play a crucial role in keeping Inox Archers at bay.

3. Attack from Range

Although primarily focused on melee builds, certain characters still possess range attacks that can be utilized against Inox Archers. By attacking them from a distance, you minimize the risk of taking damage while still dealing significant blows. Coordinate with your party to optimize your ranged attackers’ contributions.

4. Pull Abilities and Distance Attacks

Consider using pull abilities to bring Inox Archers closer to your melee characters. This enables your melee attackers to engage them more effectively. Additionally, using distance attacks, such as spells or ranged weapon abilities, can help eliminate Inox Archers from a safe distance. Coordinating these attacks can give you an advantage in combat.

Keep in mind that Inox Archers often target a single character with multiple attacks, posing a potential threat. Therefore, it’s crucial to prioritize taking them out swiftly. Taking down Inox Archers not only removes their range advantage but can also disrupt their overall strategy and give you the upper hand in battle.

Strategies Against Inox Shamans – The Healers

Inox Shamans, as durable enemies, pose a formidable challenge with their high hit points and unique abilities. Not only can they heal their allies, but they are also capable of inflicting adverse conditions on your group, making them a significant threat on the battlefield. To overcome these formidable opponents, it is essential to employ effective tactics and strategic maneuvering.

One key strategy is to stun or disarm the Inox Shamans as soon as possible. By doing so, you can prevent them from using their healing abilities and debuffing your party, disrupting their potent support capabilities. Additionally, inflicting conditions such as Wound or Poison can help whittle down their high hit points over time, gradually weakening their resilience.

In crowded rooms where multiple enemies are present, instant kills or heavy attacks can provide effective solutions. By swiftly eliminating the Inox Shamans, you can minimize their potential to heal and disrupt your party’s advancement. Remember to prioritize the Inox Shamans in your target selection, as this will significantly limit their ability to influence the course of the battle.

Gloomhaven Tactics - Inox Shamans

Key Strategies Against Inox Shamans:

  • Stun or disarm the Inox Shamans to prevent healing and debuffing.
  • Inflict Wound or Poison to gradually weaken their high hit points.
  • Utilize instant kills or heavy attacks in crowded rooms to minimize their healing and disruptive abilities.
  • Prioritize targeting Inox Shamans to limit their influence on the battlefield.

By implementing these strategies, you will be well-equipped to handle the formidable challenge presented by Inox Shamans, mitigating their healing and adverse effects while gaining an advantage on the battlefield. Stay focused, adapt your tactics, and triumph over the powerful shamans that stand in your path to victory in Gloomhaven.

Remember, effective strategy and careful planning are essential in Gloomhaven. With determination and smart decision-making, you can overcome even the most formidable foes on your path to victory.

Mastering the Night Demons – Overcoming Disadvantage

In the world of Gloomhaven, the Night Demons are notorious for their speed and ability to inflict Disadvantage on unsuspecting attackers. Overcoming their disadvantage is key to achieving victory in battle. Here are some effective tactics and strategies to help you master the Night Demons and turn their disadvantage into your advantage.

Timing your attacks when you’re strengthened: Strengthening your character can nullify the disadvantage inflicted by Night Demons. Plan your turns carefully and try to time your attacks when you have the Strengthen condition. This will allow you to counteract the disadvantage and increase your chances of landing successful hits.

Immobilizing the Night Demons: Night Demons rely on their speed to outmaneuver their opponents. By immobilizing them, you can limit their movement options and effectively neutralize their threat. Utilize abilities or items that can immobilize the Night Demons, such as the Spellweaver’s “Frost Armor” or the Orchid’s “Entangling Shot”. This will give you an advantage in controlling the battlefield.

Attacking from range: Night Demons excel in close-quarters combat, but they can be vulnerable to ranged attacks. Characters like the Spellweaver, with their powerful ranged abilities, have an advantage when facing Night Demons. By keeping your distance and attacking from range, you can minimize their threat and avoid the risks associated with close combat.

Consistent damage and surprises: Night Demons have the potential to deal high damage, often catching players off guard. To counter their threat, focus on consistent damage output and avoid surprises. Utilize characters and abilities that allow you to consistently deal damage turn after turn. By maintaining a steady stream of damage, you can minimize the time in which the Night Demons can pose a threat.

By implementing these strategies, you can master the Night Demons and overcome their disadvantage. Remember to time your attacks when strengthened, immobilize them to limit their movement, attack from range, and consistently deal damage to neutralize their threat. With these tactics, you’ll be well-equipped to face the challenges that the Night Demons present and emerge victorious.

Strategies for Handling Sun Demons – Shielded Opponents

Sun Demons in Gloomhaven are formidable enemies that possess both shields and the ability to fly. Devising effective strategies to neutralize their advantages is essential for success in combat. Here are a few tactics to consider:

  1. Stun or Disarm: By using abilities that stun or disarm Sun Demons, you can prevent them from utilizing their shields and effectively immobilize them. This will greatly diminish their defensive capabilities and leave them vulnerable to your attacks.
  2. Bypass Shields: Sun Demons’ shields may pose a challenge, but there are abilities and cards that can bypass them. For example, Brut’s card Trample offers the pierce ability, allowing attacks to penetrate through shields and deal damage directly to the Sun Demons.
  3. Ranged Attacks: Engaging Sun Demons from a distance can be advantageous. By utilizing characters and abilities that excel in ranged combat, you can effectively target Sun Demons while minimizing the risk of getting too close to their dangerous attacks.
  4. Deny Advantage: Sun Demons have the ability to gain advantage, which can significantly increase the damage dealt. To counter this, consider using abilities or conditions that deny advantage, such as abilities that stun, immobilize, or inflict adverse conditions like Wound or Poison.

It’s important to note that Sun Demons may exhibit inconsistency in their difficulty levels. Sometimes, they may appear relatively easy to overcome, while other times, they can present unexpectedly challenging encounters. In order to be prepared for all scenarios, it’s advisable to have specific cards or items that can be tailored to effectively counter these shielded opponents.

The Unpredictable Nature of Sun Demons

“Sun Demons are peculiar creatures, forever in flux. One moment, they seem almost docile, their shields providing them with a sense of invincibility. The next, they become unpredictable, their flying abilities enabling them to swiftly close the distance and unleash devastating attacks. Such versatility demands careful planning and adaptability in battle.”

– Inox Scholar, Gloomhaven Chronicles

Strengths Weaknesses
Shields provide increased defense Susceptible to stun and disarm
Flying abilities grant tactical advantage Vulnerable to ranged attacks
Potential for high damage output Can be denied advantage through conditions

Sun Demons

With a well-executed strategy and careful preparation, you can overcome the challenges posed by Sun Demons in Gloomhaven. Utilize stun, pierce, and ranged abilities to dismantle their defenses and exploit their weaknesses. By neutralizing their advantage and denying them the opportunity to utilize their shields, you’ll emerge victorious in your battles against these unpredictable opponents.

Overcoming the Wind Demons – Fast and Disarming

When facing the Wind Demons in Gloomhaven, you’ll encounter incredibly fast enemies with the ability to disarm and attack from range. These foes can quickly neutralize your party’s effectiveness by disarming key characters, rendering them unable to use their weapons or abilities. To overcome their swift assaults and ensure victory, implementing the right tactics and strategies is crucial.

Stunning or disarming the Wind Demons as soon as possible is vital. By doing so, you can prevent them from unleashing their disarming attacks, keeping your party fully armed and ready for battle. Utilize abilities that can stun or disarm, such as the Mindthief’s “Submissive Affliction” or the Scoundrel’s “Stick to the Shadows.”

Increasing your damage output is another effective strategy against Wind Demons. Inflicting wound or poison conditions on them can gradually wear down their hit points and weaken their attacks. Consider using abilities like the Cragheart’s “Rumbling Advance” or the Spellweaver’s “Flaming Sickle” to apply these conditions and maximize your damage.

Additionally, utilizing abilities that can bypass the Wind Demons’ shields can be highly advantageous. The Scoundrel’s “Visage of the Inevitable” is a great example of a skill that can pierce through their defenses. By ignoring their shields and dealing direct damage, you can swiftly eliminate these fast foes.

For those seeking even more lethal options, instant kill abilities can prove to be a game-changer against Wind Demons. A well-timed attack with such devastating force can put an end to their relentless assaults. Be prepared with abilities like the Mindthief’s “Mass Hysteria” or the Brute’s “Eye for an Eye” to eliminate Wind Demons in a single blow.

Take caution when facing Wind Demons. Their relentless attacks and disarming abilities can quickly turn the tide of battle against you. Prioritize neutralizing them to avoid being disarmed and keep your team in fighting shape. With the right strategy and coordinated tactics, victory against the Wind Demons is within your grasp.

The Importance of Organization for Gloomhaven

Keeping your Gloomhaven game organized is crucial for smooth gameplay. By implementing effective game organization and token management strategies, you can enhance your overall gaming experience.

Invest in Quality Organizers

Investing in a quality organizer is a wise decision for Gloomhaven enthusiasts. Organizers such as The Broken Token or Daedalus offer excellent solutions to manage the numerous tokens and pieces that come with the game. These organizers provide designated compartments and inserts, ensuring everything has its place and can be easily accessed during gameplay. With a well-organized setup, you can focus more on the tactical and strategic aspects of the game.

Get Familiar with the Rule Book and How-To Videos

Understanding the rules and mechanics of Gloomhaven is essential to fully enjoy the game. Make sure to thoroughly read the rule book to grasp the core concepts and gameplay mechanics. Additionally, watching informative how-to videos can further enhance your understanding of various aspects of the game, such as combat, character progression, and campaign management. Platforms like YouTube offer a wide range of Gloomhaven tutorial videos that can be a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced players.

Create a Dedicated Play Space

Designating a specific area for your Gloomhaven sessions is highly recommended. Having a dedicated play space ensures that the game board, cards, and tokens remain organized and easily accessible between sessions. It also helps create an immersive atmosphere and eliminates the need to clean up and set up the game each time you play. Whether it’s a corner of your living room, a game table, or a dedicated gaming room, finding the right space can greatly enhance your gaming experience.

Choose Your Party Wisely

Gloomhaven is a cooperative game, and selecting the right combination of characters for your party is crucial. Each character brings unique abilities and playstyles that can synergize with others. Consider the tactical elements and the preferred strategies of your group when choosing your characters. A well-balanced party can greatly improve your chances of success in the game.

In conclusion, effective organization is vital for a smooth and enjoyable Gloomhaven experience. By investing in quality organizers, familiarizing yourself with the rule book and how-to videos, creating a dedicated play space, and carefully selecting your party, you’ll be well-equipped to embark on epic adventures and conquer the challenges that await in the world of Gloomhaven.

Forming a Cohesive Party and Planning Your Adventure

Gloomhaven is designed for 1-4 players and thrives with regular play sessions. To maximize your chances of success, forming a cohesive party and planning your adventure are critical aspects of the game. Here are some key strategies to consider:

Party Composition:

In Gloomhaven, each player takes on the role of a different character with unique abilities and play styles. When forming your party, it is important to choose characters that complement each other and cover a variety of roles. A balanced party typically includes a mix of damage dealers, support characters, and tanks to handle different situations. Discuss with your fellow players and consider each character’s strengths and weaknesses to create a well-rounded team.

Regular Play Sessions:

Consistency is key in Gloomhaven. Regular play sessions help maintain the momentum of the campaign, allowing you to progress through the story and your characters’ personal quests. Committing to a set schedule and ensuring all players can attend regularly will prevent characters from falling behind in levels and gear. Aim for a frequency that works for everyone, whether it’s weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, and stick to it to fully immerse yourselves in the game.

City and Road Events:

In addition to the main campaign, Gloomhaven introduces city and road events that add depth and flavor to your adventure. These events can impact your party’s resources, reputation, or even unlock new quests. When planning your adventure, take these events into account and consider their potential consequences. Choosing the right path or making informed decisions during city events can greatly enhance your chances of success and lead to unique story developments.

Quest Selection:

Gloomhaven offers a vast array of quests to undertake, each with its own challenges, rewards, and storylines. When selecting quests, consider your party’s capabilities and goals. Some quests may require specific abilities or favor certain play styles. Evaluate the potential risks and rewards of each quest and choose those that align with your party’s strengths and objectives. This flexibility allows you to create a personalized adventure that suits your party’s play style and preferences.


Gloomhaven is more than just a board game; it’s a thrilling role-playing adventure that offers an unforgettable experience. With its immersive fantasy world and engaging gameplay, players are in for a treat. By employing effective tactics and strategies, understanding enemy abilities, and staying organized, you can conquer the challenges that lie within.

Strategic thinking and decision-making are key components of Gloomhaven. By employing clever tactics, such as immobilizing enemies, utilizing ranged attacks, or timing your attacks for maximum impact, you can gain the upper hand in combat. Understanding the unique abilities and weaknesses of different enemy types, like the Inox race, Night Demons, Sun Demons, and Wind Demons, will enable you to develop effective strategies tailored to each encounter.

Furthermore, maintaining an organized game space and party selection are crucial for a smooth and enjoyable experience. Investing in quality organizers for tokens and pieces will save you precious time during setup. Familiarizing yourself with the rule book and watching informative videos will enhance your understanding of the game mechanics. And last but not least, choosing a well-balanced party composition that suits your play style and coordinating with your fellow adventurers will set the stage for epic adventures in the world of Gloomhaven.

So, gather your friends, prepare your characters, and embark on the journey of a lifetime. Gloomhaven awaits, ready to provide you with countless hours of strategic gameplay and an immersive role-playing adventure that will leave a lasting impression. Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with excitement, challenge, and triumph.

Gloomhaven Strategy: Tackling Fantasy Campaigns Together