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Spyfall: Detecting Spies Amongst Friends

Spyfall Locations
Last Updated on September 11, 2024 by Ryan Conlon | 🕒 5 min Read Time

Welcome to the thrilling world of Spyfall, a social deduction game that will put your detective skills to the test! In this game, you and your friends will become FBI detectives working together to uncover a spy within your group. Can you determine who the spy is or guess the round’s location before time runs out?

Spyfall can be played with 4-12 players, making it a great choice for gatherings of all sizes. Each player will need access to a phone, computer, or tablet, as the game requires using an online platform. The objective for the spy is to guess the location, while the other players try to identify the spy.

Are you ready to dive into the world of espionage and deception? Let’s explore the rules, gameplay flow, and strategies to become a master spy in Spyfall!

Key Takeaways:

  • Spyfall is a social deduction game where players uncover a spy within their group.
  • The game involves questioning, guessing locations, and strategic gameplay.
  • The spy earns points for evading detection and guessing the location correctly.
  • Non-spy players earn points for identifying the spy and initiating a successful indictment.
  • The player with the most points at the end of the game is declared the winner.

How to Play Spyfall: Rules and Scoring

In Spyfall, the game leader takes charge of initiating each round. The leader begins by selecting a player and questioning them about the location. The player must answer without asking follow-up questions and then proceeds to ask another player a question. This questioning and answering process continues until the round ends, with each player having a chance to ask and answer questions.

If players suspect someone of being the spy, they can put that player up for a vote. If the vote is unanimous among the non-spy players, the round ends, and the indicted player reveals whether or not they are the spy.

Alternatively, the spy has the option to reveal their identity and guess the location at any time during the round. If the guess is correct, the round ends, and the spy earns points.

Scoring in Spyfall is based on the outcomes of each round. The spy earns points for successfully evading detection and guessing the location correctly. On the other hand, non-spy players earn points for correctly identifying the spy and participating in a successful indictment.

“The key to winning Spyfall is to be strategic with your questions and answers, gathering information while remaining ambiguous enough to avoid suspicion. Use deductive reasoning and pay close attention to the responses of other players to unravel the mystery of the spy.”

Example Scoring:

Outcome Points Earned
Spy successfully evades detection +3 points
Spy correctly guesses the location +3 points
Non-spy player identifies the spy +1 point
Non-spy player participates in a successful indictment +2 points

Understanding the rules and scoring of Spyfall is essential to navigate the game successfully. This knowledge allows players to employ effective strategies, ask insightful questions, and make accurate deductions. By mastering the intricacies of Spyfall, you can unravel the mystery and emerge victorious in this thrilling spy-themed card game.

Game Background and Objectives

In Spyfall, players step into the shoes of FBI detectives on a mission to expose an undercover spy hiding among them. The game revolves around a group of players who are given location cards, with one player designated as the spy. While everyone else knows the specific location, the spy remains clueless. Tasked with avoiding detection, the spy must carefully observe the other players’ questions and answers in order to unveil the round’s location. On the other hand, the remaining players must work together to identify the spy while figuring out where the game is set.

This thrilling social deduction game creates a heightened sense of tension and excitement as players constantly strive to outsmart each other, gather crucial information, and ultimately reveal the truth. The unique blend of strategy, deduction, and suspense makes Spyfall a captivating gaming experience for both casual and seasoned players.

Gameplay Flow and Round Length

Each round in Spyfall has a duration of 6-10 minutes, providing an exciting and fast-paced gaming experience. The length of the round can vary depending on the number of players involved. Smaller groups typically have shorter rounds, while larger groups may enjoy longer rounds.

The gameplay flow revolves around the game leader initiating the round by questioning another player about the location. The questioned player must respond without follow-up questions and then proceed to ask someone else a question. This dynamic questioning and answering process continues, with each player taking turns, until the round reaches its conclusion.

Players must approach the game strategically, using their questions and answers as tools to gather crucial information and identify the spy. The limited time frame adds an element of pressure and excitement, as participants must think quickly and make decisive moves to uncover the truth.

By maintaining an engaging gameplay flow and incorporating time constraints, Spyfall creates an immersive experience that keeps players on their toes and encourages active participation.

Number of Players Round Length
4-6 players 6-8 minutes
7-9 players 7-9 minutes
10 or more players 8-10 minutes

Location Card and Players Guessing the Spy

In Spyfall, all players except the spy are given a location card for each round. The location is the same for all players, except for the spy, who is given a “spy” card instead. The location card provides a context for the questioning and answers. Players must use the information from their location card to ask relevant questions and analyze the responses.

The location card also helps non-spy players identify the spy by comparing their answers to what is expected in that specific location. By paying attention to inconsistencies or unusual responses, players can narrow down the list of potential spies. A keen observation of how others utilize the information on their location cards is crucial in determining who is the spy.

Choosing the right location can enhance the gameplay experience and add excitement to the game. Some locations provide more opportunities for nuanced conversations and potential clues, while others may have more overt giveaways that the spy must avoid.

“One minute you’re mingling with the crowd at a glamorous Casino, the next you’re navigating a treacherous icy landscape on an Arctic Base. Each location presents its own unique challenges and strategic dilemmas.”

With a variety of locations within the game, players can enjoy exploring different scenarios and testing their spy-detection skills. The best places to play Spyfall could be anywhere, from casual gatherings with friends to organized game nights at cafes or board game clubs.

Location Characteristics
Beach Relaxing, casual, and with numerous landmarks to identify
Casino Elegant, glamorous, and full of opportunities for bluffing
Hospital Serious, a wealth of medical knowledge required to blend in
Space Station Futuristic, technologically advanced, and highly specific clues
Hotel Luxurious, bustling, and opportunities for misdirection

By choosing the best Spyfall locations and immersing themselves in the game’s unique settings, players can truly enhance their spy-detection skills and enjoy hours of excitement and strategy.

Putting Up for Vote and Unanimous Indictment

During a round of Spyfall, players have the option to put a suspected spy up for vote. This strategic move can make or break the game, adding an exciting element of suspense and collaboration.

When a player suspects someone of being the spy, they can announce the player’s name and say, “I’d like to put [player x] up for vote.” This marks the beginning of a critical decision-making process.

Each player then has the opportunity to cast their vote, assessing the evidence and intuition before making their choice. The fate of the suspected spy hangs in the balance as the votes are tallied up.

If the vote is unanimous, the suspect is indicted, and the truth is revealed. This unanimous verdict requires a strong consensus amongst the players, which can be achieved through careful observation, deductive reasoning, and collaboration.

Unanimous indictments not only expose the identity of the spy, but they also validate the trust and cooperation within the group, making for a memorable and impactful gameplay experience.

The mechanic of putting up the suspected spy for vote adds an extra layer of challenge and excitement to Spyfall. Players must carefully strategize, gather enough information, and present a convincing case to their fellow players to secure a unanimous indictment.

To give you a visual representation of this mechanic, here’s a table showcasing the possible outcomes when putting up a suspected spy for vote:

Possible Outcomes Result
Unanimous vote Suspected spy is indicted
Not unanimous vote Round continues, suspected spy’s identity remains hidden

Spyfall Locations

This image captures the essence of putting up a suspected spy for vote, as it highlights the intensity and suspense of the gameplay. The table alongside the image provides a clear and concise overview of the possible outcomes, facilitating players’ understanding of this critical mechanic.

Spy Guessing the Location

As the spy in Spyfall, you have a thrilling opportunity to reveal your identity and make a guess about the location. This game-changing move can be executed at any time during the round, immediately ending it with a suspenseful conclusion. If you possess sharp deductive skills and correctly guess the location, you will earn valuable points. However, if your guess proves to be incorrect, the round continues, and your true identity remains hidden, intensifying the mystery.

The mechanic of spy guessing adds a high-stakes element of risk and reward to the game. As the spy, you are entrusted with the delicate task of carefully assessing the information you have gathered throughout the round. Your ability to strategically analyze the questions and answers provided by your fellow players is crucial in making a calculated guess about the location.

Conversely, this mechanic keeps non-spy players on their toes, requiring them to navigate a delicate balance between suspecting the spy’s true identity or considering the possibility that the spy, too, may be genuinely unaware of the location. It becomes a battle of wits and perception as the spy and non-spy players employ their powers of deduction and observation to outsmart one another.

Spy Guessing the Location Points Earned
Correct Guess +10 points
Incorrect Guess No points earned

Engaging in the spy’s role in Spyfall offers a thrilling challenge and the potential for substantial point accumulation. However, the delicate balance between success and failure adds an extra layer of excitement and uncertainty to every round, keeping all players fully engaged and eager to uncover the truth.

Scoring and Who Wins

In the game of Spyfall, scoring is a crucial aspect that determines the winner. Points are earned by both the spy and the non-spy players based on their actions and abilities throughout the game. Here’s how the scoring system works:

Earning Points as a Spy:

The spy can earn points by:

  1. Successfully evading detection by the other players.
  2. Guessing the round’s location correctly.
  3. Causing a non-spy player to be indicted.

Each successful action adds to the spy’s overall score. The spy must navigate the game carefully, gathering information covertly and making calculated moves to earn points.

Earning Points as a Non-Spy Player:

Non-spy players can earn points by:

  1. Identifying the spy correctly.
  2. Initiating a successful indictment against the spy.

Non-spy players rely on their deduction skills and the information gathered from the spy’s answers to determine their identity. Identifying the spy and successfully indicting them contributes to the non-spy players’ point total.

The player with the highest score at the end of the game is declared the winner. This competitive nature of scoring adds excitement and encourages players to strategically play their roles to earn the most points.

To better understand the scoring system in Spyfall, let’s take a closer look at an example:

Player A is the spy and successfully evades detection throughout the game. They correctly guess the location and cause a non-spy player to be indicted. Player B, a non-spy player, identifies the spy correctly and initiates a successful indictment. At the end of the game, Player A earns points for their successful actions as the spy, while Player B earns points for correctly identifying the spy and initiating the indictment. The player with the higher total score wins the game.

With a strategic approach and clever gameplay, anyone can come out on top in Spyfall.

Popular Spyfall Locations

Top Spyfall Locations

Location Description
Beach Resort A luxurious vacation destination where spies can blend in with sun-seeking tourists.
Hollywood Movie Set An exclusive filming location where spies can use their acting skills to deceive their fellow players.
Space Station An extraterrestrial setting where spies must navigate high-tech equipment and unknown dangers.
Military Base A top-secret facility where spies and military personnel clash in a battle of wits.
Casino A glamorous gambling establishment where spies can blend in with high rollers and undercover operatives.

These are just a few examples of the top Spyfall locations that provide an immersive and thrilling gameplay experience. Each location brings its unique challenges and opportunities for espionage.

Prepping for the Mission

Before diving into the world of spy detection with Spyfall, it’s important to make a few preparations to ensure a smooth and enjoyable gameplay experience. Here are some essential steps to take before embarking on your spy mission:

  1. Divide the Location Cards: Start by dividing the Location Cards into separate decks. Each deck should contain an equal number of cards, with one “spy” card placed at the bottom of each deck. This arrangement ensures that the spy’s identity remains hidden throughout the game.
  2. Determine the Number of Rounds: Decide on the number of rounds you’d like to play before starting the game. This helps in structuring your gameplay session and managing time appropriately.
  3. Familiarize Yourself with the Locations: Take some time to familiarize yourself with the possible locations featured in Spyfall. Understanding the different locations will enable you to ask relevant questions and analyze responses effectively.

By following these simple preparation steps, you can ensure a seamless and immersive experience as you embark on your spy adventure with Spyfall.

Understanding Your Role

In the thrilling game of Spyfall, each player assumes a specific role that greatly impacts their gameplay experience. Whether you find yourself as a cunning spy or a diligent non-spy player, understanding your role is crucial to playing the game effectively and enjoying the exhilarating spy adventure.

As the Spy:

As the spy, your mission is to gather vital information while remaining undetected. Pay close attention to the questions and answers exchanged between players. Listen carefully, analyze the responses, and extract valuable clues about the current round’s location. Your challenge is to avoid suspicion and deduce the location before the other players discover your secret identity.

As a Non-Spy Player:

Non-spy players possess location cards that provide context for the round’s questioning and answers. Utilize your location card to ask relevant questions that test the knowledge and familiarity of your fellow players. Analyze their responses, looking for inconsistencies or misconceptions. By effectively utilizing your location card, you can help identify the spy and contribute to the collective effort of unveiling the imposter.

Remember, each role requires different strategies and approaches, enhancing the game’s depth and excitement. A well-played role can tip the scales in your favor, leading to a victorious outcome in this thrilling game of espionage.

Immerse yourself in the world of spies and deception as you embrace your assigned role in Spyfall. Will you succeed in unmasking the spy or evade detection as the undercover operative? The choice is yours, and the suspense is palpable!

Tips for Improving Your Spy Game

Being a successful spy in Spyfall requires honing certain skills. To enhance your spy game and increase your chances of success, consider the following tips:

  1. Observation: Pay close attention to your surroundings and the behaviors of other players. Look for any suspicious or unusual patterns that may indicate someone’s true identity.
  2. Location Knowledge: Familiarize yourself with the Spyfall Locations and commit to a few possibilities before each round. This will help you appear more confident and convincing in your interactions.
  3. Role Playing: Take on a role within the game and use it to your advantage. Adopt a believable persona that aligns with the location and engage in conversations that support your cover.
  4. Moderation: Avoid being too eager or aggressive in your interactions and voting. Being overly enthusiastic can raise suspicion among other players. Maintain a balanced approach and blend in with the group.
  5. Vary Behavior: Keep other players on their toes by varying your behavior and adapting to the situation. Avoid predictable patterns or responses that might give away your true identity.

By practicing these tips and refining your spy skills, you can become a master of deception in Spyfall. Remember, the key to success lies in your ability to gather information, manipulate perceptions, and stay one step ahead of your opponents.


Spyfall is an exciting social deduction game that challenges players to uncover spies within their group. With its engaging gameplay mechanics and scoring system, Spyfall offers a thrilling and strategic experience for all players. Whether you’re guessing the location or evading detection as the spy, the game keeps you on your toes and tests your wit and observational skills.

By following the tips and improving your spy game in Spyfall, you can enhance your experience and become a skilled player. Observation, role-playing, and adapting to the situation are key elements in mastering the art of espionage.

So gather your friends, choose the best Spyfall Locations, and let the spy games begin! Whether it’s a cozy dinner party, a game night at home, or a weekend getaway, Spyfall brings excitement and intrigue to different settings. Explore popular Spyfall Locations or create your own unique spy scenarios. Get ready to challenge your friends, uncover the spies, and emerge as the ultimate detective in Spyfall!

Spyfall: Detecting Spies Amongst Friends